mandag 14. juli 2008

Preparing for our one year in Nigeria

We - one of my daughters and I - are going to Nigeria to live and work for one year. My spouse is there already, so soon we will be a family again.

Now we are in the process of getting visa to go there. We went to the police in Stavanger today and ordered new passports - so we could have one passport for travelling while the other passport is being sent away for handling the visa application. Hopefully everything will be OK before friday -when we are leaving for a vacation in Denmark.

The schools in Lagos require use of school uniforms. For us Norwegians that is not common and school uniforms are not sold here. Sofie and I went to London and got her navy blue skirts, white shirts PE shorts and t-shirts, so now we are prepared on that front.

Next step - along with the visa prepararion is what to bring.

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