I do remember from when we lived in Texas that Christamas started a bit earlier than in Norway, and that is also the fact here in Nigeria. I was away a week in November and when I returned tha office builing were decorated both inside and outside to bring some Christmas feelings.
In roundabouts, otside and inside shopping centers, at the entrance to our compund, everywhere you find Christmas trees, Santa Claus with or without reindeer.
Coca Cola has adapted their Santa Claus to local conditions, the Afro Santa. Sofie were a bit confused of this in the beginning when she first noted the advertisements. Then she has been giving it some thoughts and came to the conclusion that the population in Africa is so big, and the climate so warm, that the ols Santa on the North Pole can not take on the responsibilities for all the continents in the world, so probably there is a Chinese Santa and an Indian Santa as well.
We were out looking for local produced Christmas decorations, and managed to find a few little men and women in traditional clothes to hang on a tree. But most Christmas decoration is imported (from China! of course). And in one of the local malls we found a poster stated that upstairs they were selling Christmas decorations from Ikea. I had to take a look. And the prices!!! there must be some heavy tolls on those decorations - they were at least double the price of what I would pay in Stavanger. But Sofie really needed some Christmas stuff in the flat. so I ended up with a few candle holders and candles.